David Viscott, MD, was an extremely talented psychiatrist who not only operated a successful LA psych practice in the 1980’s and 90’s but also found time to host a radio show. I listened to him whenever I could, spoke to him on a few precious occasions, and soaked up as much of his interviewing skills as it was possible. It's fair to say he was one of my esteemed mentors. In one of his seminars David (as he insisted everyone call him) passed out sticky labels and asked everyone come in the next morning with this sentence completed and written...
CHANGE “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Those words were spoken by one of my esteemed mentors, the late psychiatrist David Viscott, who also wrote in his book, RISKING: “If you want to feel secure Do what you already know how to do. But if you want to grow… Go to the cutting edge of your competence, which means a temporary loss of security. So, whenever you don’t quite know What you are doing Know….. that you are growing…” If there is anything I have learned, and anything that I have to keep learning on a daily...
You couldn’t close the door fast enough. The wind fought you for it. Every time another trooper came in, the below-freezing air that accompanied him twisted around the M40’s crouched along the metal walls of the tank barn and went right through the O.D. jackets and sweaters and woolen hats and caused the group to huddle closer. Circles of light from the bare bulbs over each tank hardly reached the middle of the room where wooden chairs had been placed row on row. Mesmerized by the tiny colored bulbs on the Christmas tree at the front of the room we...
It’s human nature. We all want the quick fix. We all want to get the great result without thinking about it too much. Most of us don’t blink an eye at spending a fortune on skincare products whose ingredients are unpronounceable. (You know, of course, that Americans spend BILLIONS annually on skin care products). And yet one of the most effective steps you can take to improve the skin stares us right in the face every day. Yep, your fifth grade health teacher was right. Nutrition, along with a healthy lifestyle, is the key, the key to youthful, radiant...
Give it all ya got
by Richard Foxx Back in the day, when I did surgery, the patient was always anesthetized and most of the time the patient’s face was hidden behind a sterile screen. With the patient’s eyes and the face not visible there was always a certain depersonalization that took place regardless of how well you knew him or her. One of the aspects of aesthetic medicine I have enjoyed most for the last 17 years is being able to look into a patient’s eyes while I work on them and knowing they are free to look into mine. There are no barriers...
Stand in front of your mirror and ask yourself. Does your own authentic "weirdness" speak back to you?Read more →