
FoxxMD Announces New Timesaver Service For Our Loyal Patients

by JoAnn Foxx

It was at a business seminar over twenty years ago that I first heard futurist and trend forecaster Faith Popcorn speak.  “In the 21st century,” she said, “time will become the most valuable commodity.”  I never forgot those prophetic words.

Our FoxxMD website was designed for your convenience and our intent was to make navigating the pages as easy as possible.  That being said, I know it is a hassle to go through the steps to complete your order.  It takes valuable time.

So…I have decided to do it for you!  For free. 

I am giving you back some time to make it even easier to enjoy your great skin.  Starting right now, today, you can call me directly at 760-972-6116 or email me at and I will place your order.

If you have questions, ask away. 

I will take care of the rest and ship your order ASAP.

I’s a win-win…you get healthier skin and more time to enjoy it.

Never compromise

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